Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monterey Middle School Drops Everything to Read

Below is the official press release from teacher-librarian extraordinaire, Keely Thornton...

Hello Kevin!

As I mentioned on the phone with you, today was our Annual Drop Everything and Read Event (DEAR Event) here at Monterey Middle School.  We joined many other schools across the district and across the province in this annual Provincial event where we encourage everyone to drop whatever they are doing at 11:20 am and read for 20 minutes!  For information about the event itself, please visit the Press release and website:

This event has been slowly gaining popularity and attention over the last few years and we were thrilled to invite members of our Oak Cay Community to come and share in the joy of reading with our students.  Some of our special guest readers this year were the Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen, The Superintendant of School District #61 John Gaiptman, our School Liaison Officer Constable Julie Chanin, The Assistant Fire Chief Cam Thompson and 6 of the Firefighters from the Oak Bay Fire Department, Children's Librarian Devon Tatton at the Oak Bay Branch of the GVPL, and retired Monterey Teacher Karen Evans.  Our guests were introduced by the school's Library Leaders and asked what their favourite book was before settling in to take 20 minutes out of their very busy schedules to enjoy a good book! All of our students participated in the reading event, with some in the music room, some in the computer lab and most in their classrooms putting their pencils down and picking up a book. 

The first one features John Gaiptman, Superintendent of SD #61 reading with Mr. Brown's Grade 6 class.

School Liaison Officer Constable Julie Chanin

A firefighter reading in our lovely library with Mrs. Rud's grade 6 class

An Oak Bay Fireman reading on a comfy couch

The school was so silent you could have heard a pin drop!

This amazing event helps promote the joy of reading, something that our students at Monterey have already discovered.  We circulated nearly 5000 books last year through the library and our amazing staff promotes the "Read Anything, Read Often" motto within our school.  And we aren't alone as schools all across the province joined us today and throughout this week for the Drop Everything and Read event.  It was wonderful having our special guests join us on the official BC School Library Day, and we hope to have an even bigger event to promote reading next year for Drop Everything and Read.

If you have any questions please contact me on my cell phone, 250-882-8845.  Thank you so much!

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